Actual |
Target |
Results |
Affordable Housing Inventory
Affordable housing units house the City's lowest wage earners and are important to the sustainability of our community. Through policy and funding, the City would like to at least maintain and preferably increase the number of units available to consumers requiring this type of housing. Low income housing in Fort Collins is for people who earn 80% or less Area Median Income.
4,013 | 4,205 | Q4 2024 |
Homelessness Data, Chronic Homelessness, and # Chronic Homeless Housed
In partnership with Homeward Alliance, data for this metric comes from the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), which is utilized by agencies across the Northern Colorado Continuum of Care.
533 | 572 | Q4 2024 |
Fort Collins' Housing Opportunity Index (HOI) compared to western states region HOI
The NAHB/Wells Fargo Cost of Housing Index (CHI) is a quarterly analysis of housing costs in the United States and in specific metropolitan areas. The CHI represents the portion of a typical family’s income needed to make a mortgage payment on a median-priced home. For example, a CHI reading of 38% means a typical family in the U.S. would need to allocate 38% of its pre-tax income to cover the mortgage payment for a median-priced home.
45.88% | 35.00% | Q4 2024 |
Response Time to Graffiti Removal
This indicator measures the amount of time to respond to and abate both reported and unreported graffiti in the City. The goal is to have graffiti properly abated within two business days.
0.90 | 1.50 | Q4 2024 |
Voluntary Code Compliance
This metric tracks the percentage of voluntary compliance with nuisance code violations issued by the City of Fort Collins. Voluntary compliance is defined as violations corrected by the property owner or tenant.
92.0% | 90.00% | Q4 2024 |
Voluntary Speed Compliance
This monthly metric (averaged by quarter) measures speed compliance to 30 mph zones throughout the city. Speeding through neighborhoods can be a quality of life issue for many. Fort Collins is an outdoor activity centered city, with many of its residents frequently enjoying the outdoors in the neighborhoods. Speeding through neighborhoods, commonly a 30 mph zone, can be of concern, especially if near a school, or an area with many children present. This metric measures the compliance rate to those 30 mph zones, and can assist with identifying areas for education and enforcement efforts.
52.00% | 60.00% | Q4 2024 |