ECON [cps_element object='objective' object_id='167083' field='name']

Electric System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) in Minutes

Fort Collins Light & Power reliability in one sentence: On average, a customer in Fort Collins can expect a 19.87-minute outage every year.

SAIDI is how long, on average, each customer was without power in the last year.

The 23Q4 SAIDI value decreased to 19.87 minutes from 21.86 minutes compared to the 12-month measurement period for 23Q3.

Taken into context SAIFI, SAIDI, and CAIDI 23Q4 reliability showed a similar frequency of outages (128 outages versus last quarter's 126), and a reduction of 4,841 overall customer outage hours (19,142 hours versus last quarter’s 23,983 hours) for the 12-month measurement period for Q4. For those customers who experienced an outage, however, the average outage time increased from 71.87 minutes to 82.05.

The reduction in customer hours for outages is consistent with the transition from Summer and Fall to the winter months, with seventeen primary cable failures, one 600 A splice failure, and six 200 A junction failures accounting for 93% of the outage hours.

Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI) in Minutes

Fort Collins Light & Power reliability in one sentence: On average, a customer in Fort Collins who experienced an outage can expect an 82.05-minute outage every year.

CAIDI is how long, on average, an outage was for each customer who experienced an outage in the last year.

For those customers who experienced an outage, the 23Q4 CAIDI value of 82.05 minutes increased from 71.87 minutes for the 12-month measurement period for the prior quarter.

Taken into context SAIFI, SAIDI, and CAIDI 23Q4 reliability showed a similar frequency of outages (128 outages versus last quarter's 126), and a reduction of 4,841 overall customer outage hours (19,142 hours versus last quarter’s 23,983 hours) for the 12-month measurement period for Q4. For those customers who experienced an outage, however, the average outage time increased from 71.87 minutes to 82.05.

The increase in individual customer outage hours is a function of both the type of equipment failures that occurred in the 12-month period ending 23Q4 and the number of customers affected by them.

Electric System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI)

Fort Collins Light & Power reliability in one sentence: On average, a customer in Fort Collins can expect 0.24 outages every year.

SAIFI is the average number of times a customer would have seen an outage during the 12-months span used to calculate this index.

The 23Q4 SAIFI value of 0.24 is a reduction from the value of 0.30 from the 12-month measurement period for 23Q3.

The equipment failures that affected this outage frequency index were identical to the previous 2023Q3 equipment failures for this evaluation period (75 equipment failures versus last quarter’s 72 equipment failures).

Taken into context SAIFI, SAIDI, and CAIDI 23Q4 reliability showed a similar frequency of outages (128 outages versus last quarter's 126), and a reduction of 4,841 overall customer outage hours (19,142 hours versus last quarter’s 23,983 hours) for the 12-month measurement period for Q4. For those customers who experienced an outage, however, the average outage time increased from 71.87 minutes to 82.05.