
Economic Health Performance Metrics

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Commercial Vacancy Rates
Percentage of vacant, leasable commercial space within the city. This is divided into three categories: Industrial, Office, and Retail. The category with the worst vacancy rate is displayed and that is the value compared to our target.
5.83% 5.00% Q2 2024
Electric System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) in Minutes
The electric distribution System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) is a description of the length of time all customers would have been out of power if the total number of hours out of service over the last 12 months were to be shared, and it is typically measured in minutes. The number of outages as well as the time between the start of an outage and the restoration of electric service have a bearing on this number.
12.66 28.50 Q2 2024
Local Unemployment Rate
Local unemployment rate is the percentage of the total labor force that is unemployed but actively seeking employment and willing to work. This includes persons actively looking for work in the prior 4 weeks by contacting an employer directly, having a job interview, sending out resumes or filling out applications.
3.53% 5.00% Q1 2024
# Business Establishments per Capita (Larimer County)
This metric provides an understanding of business and job growth in the City. The total number of business establishments in Larimer County is divided by the current Larimer County population to understand job and business growth relative to population changes. The data reported is 2 Quarters in arrears due to the timing of receipt from Larimer County.
42.54 41.91 Q2 2024