
High Performing Government Performance Metrics

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Accuracy of Cumulative Budgeted Expenses ($ millions)
This metric covers the accuracy and precision of planned (budgeted) and actual expenditures. Expenditures include operating costs, such as personnel, insurance, consulting and supplies, as well as debt payments and capital equipment purchases. Not included are the costs of large capital projects that occur over several years and have a beginning and end.
Expenditures are separated into Governmental and Enterprise. Governmental expenditures are for those activities that are primarily supported by taxes and grants and to a much lesser degree from fees. Examples are Police, Streets Maintenance, Parks, Museum, Fire, etc. Alternatively, Enterprise expenditures related to activities that are accounted for like a business and are entirely supported by fees charged to users. These include Light and Power, Water, Wastewater, Storm Drainage and Golf.
$ 306.54 $ 321.99 Q2 2024
Actual Cumulative Revenue Compared to Budget ($ millions)
This metric covers differences from anticipated (budgeted) and actual revenue. Revenue includes taxes, fees, grants, fines, interest earnings, etc. Revenue is separated into Governmental and Enterprise depending on the activity it supports. Governmental revenues are typically taxes, grants and fines used to support police, streets, museum, fire and parks. Examples of Enterprise revenue are fees for energy, water, wastewater and golfing.
$ 342.26 $ 327.17 Q2 2024
Average Response Time of Cases Submitted to Access Fort Collins
Total cases submitted online or via mobile application, including Council Member and City Manager requests (SARs). Average Response Time is the average number of business days from when a case is submitted to when a staff response is sent.
1.84 3.00 Q2 2024
City Employee Cumulative Turnover Rate
Turnover is a measure of the rate at which employees leave employment with the City. It includes classified and unclassified management employees and all separation reasons (layoffs, and voluntary and involuntary terminations). While turnover is typically measured annually, this report includes turnover reported on a year-to-date basis for each calendar year. The rate is calculated by dividing the total number of employees who separated year-to-date by the average headcount for that reporting period (quarters are cumulative).
5.20% 5.00% Q2 2024
City Employee Safety - Days Away Restricted or Transferred (DART) Rate YTD
The Days Away Restricted or Transferred (DART) rate calculation is based upon the number of work related injuries and illnesses severe enough to cause an employee to be temporarily reassigned or miss work completely in relation to the total number of employee hours worked. This is a nationally recognized standard safety metric. Current-year benchmarks are not available as they are published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and have an approximate 18 month lag time.
2.48 3.70 Q2 2024
City Employee Safety - Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) YTD
The Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) is a nationally recognized standard safety metric. It is based upon the total number of work related injury and illness cases reported that, generally speaking, required more than standard first aid treatment, as it relates to the total number of employee hours worked. Current-year benchmarks are not available as they are published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and have an approximate 18 month lag time.
6.36 6.17 Q2 2024