Average Travel Speeds/Times on Arterial Streets

Desired Result:  Below Target

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Analysis of Performance
11/14/24 NOTE: An issue with the data was discovered and the Traffic Dept is working with the vendor to correct the issue.

Note: Due to a software change in our Bluetooth readers, the methodology for measuring travel time has shifted, moving delay to the upstream intersection. We are actively working with our vendor to determine if we can revert to the previous methodology. If that is not feasible, we are exploring two alternatives: calibrating the new methodology to align with previous results or proceeding with a clean break, acknowledging that reported travel times will appear higher than in past years. Despite this change, we expect travel times to remain relatively consistent from quarter to quarter.

Decision point on methodology moving forward. Expect to have a resolution next quarter. 

Metric Definition
Traffic volume-weighted average travel times (in minutes/mile) on City arterial streets including Harmony, Horsetooth, Drake, Prospect, Mulberry, Taft Hill, Shields, College, Lemay and Timberline during the p.m. peak period on weekdays.
Why Is This Important?
Efficient travel on the arterial street system in Fort Collins is important for the quality of life for residents, the safety of residents and the economic vitality of the City.
City Organization Impact on Performance
High – Virtually everyone in the City is impacted by the transportation system. While there are many external factors -- particularly economic factors that impact the operation of the City transportation system, there is still much that the City can do in terms of policies, priorities, planning and operations that affect the performance of the system.
Benchmark Information
To date there is not reliable benchmark information from other cities as the technology deployed in Fort Collins to measure travel times is relatively new. Not many cities are using it yet and reporting methods are not consistent.