Homelessness Data, Chronic Homelessness, and # Chronic Homeless Housed
Analysis of Performance
This is a quarterly metric.
The Northern Colorado Continuum of Care (NoCO CoC) reports all data to the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).
Data is sourced from the HMIS lead agency, Homeward Alliance.
Total number of clients enrolled in HMIS across Fort Collins was 2,770 in Q3 of 2024.
The total number of people experiencing chronic homelessness (12 months or more) was 572 during this reporting period.
23 people experiencing chronic homelessness were exited into permanent housing.
Data is evaluated based on comparison to prior quarter.
Dashboard with additional information and more detailed data can be viewed at https://tinyurl.com/ybv86xkc
A team comprised of representatives from cities of Fort Collins, Loveland, and Estes Park, Larimer County, the Northern Colorado Continuum of Care, and various community agencies, recently hired a consutlant to lead a countywide strategic planning process.
This process will help build short- and long-term goals that are aligned across the county.
The strategic plan is slated to be completed by summer 2025.