Response Time to Graffiti Removal

Desired Result:  Below Target

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Analysis of Performance

  • In Q4, the team addressed 484 issues.
  • The average response time of 0.9 days, well ahead of the 1.5 day target. This quick response helps deter further vandalism.

Metric Definition
This indicator measures the amount of time to respond to and abate both reported and unreported graffiti in the City. The goal is to have graffiti properly abated within two business days.
Why Is This Important?
Tracking response time to abate graffiti is part of the overall process to defeat and deter graffiti. Graffiti generally includes any type of writings, drawings or symbols applied to any surface without the consent of the owner. Graffiti is a crime and when left unchecked, can contribute to the deterioration of our neighborhoods and the beauty of Fort Collins, as well as it can be the tipping point leading to increased crime in an area.
City Organization Impact on Performance
High – The City's Graffiti Abatement team plays a high impact role by proactively searching for new graffiti throughout the City in day-to-day operations. In addition, the public can notify the Abatement team through a 24-hour hotline, email notification, an on-line reporting system, and a smart phone reporting application.
Benchmark Information
Benchmarking in progress