Voluntary Code Compliance

Desired Result:  Above Target

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Analysis of Performance

The goal is to have 90% voluntary compliance or higher each quarter.  The number of snow cases does have an impact on the percent of voluntary compliance as they go straight to abatement due to safety issues.

Inspectors continue to work proactively in the field independently, including outreach, education, and relation efforts while performing full job functions in their assigned areas. Inspector patrol areas have been adjusted to help ensure efficient proactive patrol.

Metric Definition
This metric tracks the percentage of voluntary compliance with nuisance code violations issued by the City of Fort Collins. Voluntary compliance is defined as violations corrected by the property owner or tenant.
Why Is This Important?
Code compliance contributes to the preservation, maintenance, and enhancement of neighborhoods. Voluntary compliance of nuisance codes is an indicator of the City's attractiveness and feeling of safety in neighborhoods. It is also an indication of whether a neighborhood is deteriorating and may need additional services.
City Organization Impact on Performance
High – The City affects the metric in the following ways: 1) violation notices sent to property owner and tenant explaining the violation and giving a deadline to correct the problem; 2) final notice – this is a posting on the door explaining that the deadline has come, what the violation is, and that they need to correct the violation by the next day in order to avoid abatement or citation; 3) encouragement of residents to call if they need an extension – our violation notices state that they should call us if they have a need for a little more time to correct the violation; 4) Adopt-a-Neighbor program – volunteer program to help elderly or disabled residents with shoveling their sidewalks; and 5) door hangers – for codes that do not require notice be given (i.e. sidewalk snow removal) – we provide a courtesy door hanger on the first offense explaining the code requirement and give them until the following day to correct the violation.
Benchmark Information
Benchmarking in process