Voluntary Speed Compliance

Desired Result:  Above Target

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Analysis of Performance

  • This metric is measured monthly and quarterly, the most recent data available is March 2024
  • The source of this data is from a third-party vendor for both mobile photo radar cameras and red light cameras; frequency for updating the data is dependent on their timeline
  • This metric represents the percentage of vehicles monitored by the photo radar system in the 30 mph zones that comply with the posted speed limit.
  • This metric is impacted by several factors including the amount of staff time devoted to photo radar, weather conditions, locations where it is deployed, the number of days it is deployed, and the number of vehicles monitored.

  • Increase staff time devoted to photo radar operations, which could potentially improve the overall compliance rate.
  • Officers are working deliberately during open time on patrol and during community impact days to educate, and hold accountable, speeders throughout the city.
    • Recent joint efforts with local agencies have helped.
Metric Definition
This monthly metric (averaged by quarter) measures speed compliance to 30 mph zones throughout the city. Speeding through neighborhoods can be a quality of life issue for many. Fort Collins is an outdoor activity centered city, with many of its residents frequently enjoying the outdoors in the neighborhoods. Speeding through neighborhoods, commonly a 30 mph zone, can be of concern, especially if near a school, or an area with many children present. This metric measures the compliance rate to those 30 mph zones, and can assist with identifying areas for education and enforcement efforts.
Why Is This Important?
Compliance helps City services determine needs for education, mitigation, and enforcement to keep users of roadways and bicycle lanes safe. Speed compliance reduces the number and severity of traffic collisions.
City Organization Impact on Performance
High – City impact may be high through targeted education, mitigation, and/or enforcement efforts. This can be demonstrated through past practices and is a clear duty of government.
Benchmark Information
Benchmarking in process. There are no currently identified benchmark cities with the same design/challenges that would be illustrative of high/low performance, though we are seeking some. Every city has a unique make-up of roadways, posted speeds, businesses, population, and much more.