Community Water Use per Capita

Desired Result:   Below Target

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Analysis of Performance

As of Q4 2024

·       Residential and commercial gallons per capita per day values are comparable to the same quarters' data from previous years. Community water use per capita in Q4 2024 was about 13% more than Q4 2023.  

·       Data reflects treated water usage of Fort Collins Utilities water service area customers (billed consumption from about 80% of the overall city population). Untreated (raw) water, unbilled consumption, distribution losses, and use within other service areas in the city are excluded.

·       Weather is the largest influence of water use. Other factors that influence use are efficiency and conservation programs, codes and standards, increased product efficiency and customer behavior.

·       Note that use categories (commercial and residential) are based on utility rate codes. As a result, some residential water uses, like HOA common space irrigation use, are reflected in the “Commercial” data series.

Metric Definition
This metric tracks water use (gallons) per capita for each quarter, split by commercial and residential water use. It is calculated by taking the total water use in a quarter, divided by the number of days in the quarter and estimated population in the Fort Collins Utilities water service area. This metric is expected to fluctuate throughout the year, as water use increases during the summer months and is higher in hotter, drier years. Data is provided by Fort Collins Utilities.
Why Is This Important?
Water is a critical ingredient for our community and using it efficiently is important. Doing more with less is necessary to achieve the 2030 Water Efficiency Plan goals and to improve our resiliency to fluctuating weather and climate patterns.
City Organization Impact on Performance
Medium – The Fort Collins Utilities' Water Efficiency and Conservation Programs provides programs and services to reduce water use. Weather, local economic conditions, and the everyday actions of residents, visitors, and businesses are the other influences which have an impact on the water usage of the community. Fort Collins Utilities only provides water service to about 70% of the City’s population, so the programs and actions of those served by other providers is not reflected here.
Benchmark Information
Benchmarking in progress