City Employee Cumulative Turnover Rate
Desired Result: Below Target
Analysis of Performance
- This is a quarterly metric.
- In Q4, our annual turnover was 10.6%, with a target of 10%. This metric includes all turnover, including retirement, voluntary resignations, and terminations. Without planned retirements, turnover was 8.93%.
- In Q4 of 2023, turnover was 10.8%.
- In 2025 we plan to reintroduce an Employee Engagement Survey. We had a survey tool before the pandemic and are introducing a new Engagement Survey Tool. This will provide us with key insights regarding the level of engagement with our colleagues and how we could increase engagement thus reducing turnover.
- We continue to offer benefits that our employees tell us are meaningful including adding indemnity theft protection in 2025.
- An average merit pool of 4% per employee went into effect. Employees will see increases on their 1/24/25 pay check. We determine pay by conducting a market analysis of economic indicators, external salary surveys and collaboration with peers.
- The Volunteer Services Program was awarded a grant from Otter Cares to run two cohorts of our NextGen Serve program. This program targets middle and high school students to volunteer and learn about the City. We recognize this is an untapped talent pipeline for us to explore for future talent needs.
Metric Definition
Turnover is a measure of the rate at which employees leave employment with the City. It includes classified and unclassified management employees and all separation reasons (layoffs, and voluntary and involuntary terminations). While turnover is typically measured annually, this report includes turnover reported on a year-to-date basis for each calendar year. The rate is calculated by dividing the total number of employees who separated year-to-date by the average headcount for that reporting period (quarters are cumulative).
Why Is This Important?
Turnover is an important measure for three primary reasons – cost (replacing an employee can cost as much as 200% of the annual compensation for the vacated position), business performance (continuity of operations, productivity) and ability to maintain a qualified workforce.
City Organization Impact on Performance
High – Turnover rate is directly related to the quality and continuity of service provided to citizens. The City is committed to being an employer of choice, however the rate at which employees leave City employment is impacted by factors such as job market, retirement, and personal lifestyle choices.
Benchmark Information
Benchmarking in progress