Number of Injury/Fatal Crashes

Desired Result:  Below Target

color legend

Analysis of Performance

  • Injury/Fatal crashes are the number of reported public street crashes involving motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians where someone was injured or killed.
  • Injury/Fatal crashes were on target during Q4'24
  • The 78 injury/fatal crashes in Q3'24 were lower than the previous 5-year average for Q4 of 88.
  • The increase in serious injury crashes is following the national trend which is reporting crashes at the highest rate in a decade.
  • Some good news in that serious and fatal crashes have been lower in all quarters of 2024 compared to 2023. 

  • Staff continues to take steps to implement strategies outlined in the Vision Zero Action plan.
  • Updated left turn timing at several intersections. 
  • Completed annual Safety in the City evaluation - identified locations with improving safety trends and areas of concern.
  • Traffic/FC Moves/PD met to discuss trends in fatal motorcycle crashes and identified options to pursue to help. 
  • Automated speed enforcement program is live.
Metric Definition
Injury/Fatal crashes is the number of reported public street crashes involving motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians where someone was injured or killed. 
Why Is This Important?
Safe travel in Fort Collins is important for the quality of life for residents and visitors. In order to improve traffic safety, data must be used to determine specific problems than can be targeted.
City Organization Impact on Performance
Medium – Traffic crashes tend to have contributing factors from three areas: human factors, vehicle design/maintenance, and roadway/environment. The City uses Engineering, Enforcement and Education to target the human element and the roadway elements. While we can't prevent all crashes, these efforts do have an impact.
Benchmark Information
Traffic crash reporting thresholds and definitions of injury severity vary between cities and States making accurate comparisons difficult. There are Federal reporting requirements for fatal crashes that require a consistent reporting method for those crashes and we do benchmark against other cities using those fatal crash statistics. However, because there are so few fatal crashes that may not provide an adequate comparison either.