Recovery Project
As of Jun. 30, 2024
Funding for critical repairs to downtown parking structures to prolong their lifespans and increase structural integrity.
In Progress
Spent to Date: $947,555
Allocated: $1,329,075*
Work nearing completion.
* Bids for this project came in significantly higher than anticipated. To cover the increased costs, funding for Parking Structure Security Upgrades was pivoted to this project. Additionally, the MHRT program was able to meet its programmatic needs at a lower cost than originally anticipated, so the excess was pivoted to support this project as well.
This project allows the City to address needed cybersecurity updates to safeguard all City devices and users from digital attacks and phishing attempts that could hamper service delivery.
The pandemic amplified the need to improve the City’s cyber risk management strategies. Increased hybrid work and new technologies require increased security and safety measures to avoid cybersecurity breaches. With these upgrades, the City’s virtual assets will be more secure, and employees will have a safer work environment, regardless of location.
In Progress
Spent to Date: $68,676
Allocated: $354,876*
*$200,000 shifted to COVID-Related Hybrid Meeting Spaces and Community Wi-fi Project.
- Multifactor authentication (MFA) rolled out throughout the City organization.
- Planning and preparation for access management, identity governance and other security features is underway.
This project focuses on improving Wi-Fi access at Cultural Services and Recreation facilities, as well as updating spaces and systems within the City organization to support secure hybrid work.
Community Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi access in public spaces is vital for many community members, especially those who do not have reliable internet at home.
Hybrid Meeting Spaces: The City’s shift to hybrid work means that meeting workspaces need to be reconfigured to accommodate hybrid meetings, and systems need to be upgraded to better handle the increased amount of IT support of hybrid work. Updating workspaces to have these capabilities will allow the City to conduct essential business more efficiently and safely.
In Progress
Spent to Date: $1,514,068
Allocated: $1,506,324*
*Budget increased by $200,000 to accommodate increased construction costs. Additional budget came from Cyber Risk Management project.
- Wi-Fi upgrades completed at Mulberry Pool, Foothills Activity Center, Lincoln Center, Museum of Discovery and other City recreation facilities.
- 215 N. Mason Hybrid Workspace converted to “hotel model”.
- Enhancement to three meeting spaces in City facilities (Council Chambers, Colorado River Room, CIC Conference Room) to enable both in person and online attendance.
This program funds updated case management software for the City’s Municipal Court. Updated software that is more efficient, secure and usable for staff and community members is crucial to the operations of the Court.
In Progress
Spent to Date: $0
Allocated: $225,000
Contracting for updated software complete.
Additional staff and funding to support hiring and workforce management for the City and four partner agencies. Increasing staff capacity allows HR to assist other City departments more efficiently with requests for talent so the City has the workforce needed to serve the community. HR staff have made efforts to streamline the hiring process and provide additional support to hiring managers. These improvements result in better experiences for both hiring managers and candidates. Along with staff, this program includes programmatic funds to market to qualified candidates via LinkedIn, Indeed and other hiring platforms.
This program has also been funded by ARPA dollars in the 2023-2024 budget.
In Progress
Spent to Date: $523,800
Allocated: $821,204
- 95% hiring managers surveyed in 2023 reported satisfaction with the process of working with recruiters to fill positions.
- All three contractual HR positions filled.
- Upgraded access to LinkedIn, Indeed and other hiring platforms to enhance recruitment efforts.
- Fourfold increase in number of individuals clicking on sponsored positions on Indeed in 2023.
Funds to support the development of a comprehensive emergency communications plan for the City that can be applied to a variety of different emergency and crisis events.
Having a centralized emergency communications plan means the City will be better able to quickly and effectively communicate crucial information to community members during emergency events. Having key information in a timely fashion allows community members to take action to keep themselves and their loved ones safe.
In Progress
Spent to Date: $91,416
Allocated: $124,020
Plan finalized.
Staff and administrative costs for the oversight and implementation of the Resilient Recovery Plan, including the deployment and monitoring of ARPA funds.
Staffing is needed to support recovery work at all stages – development of the Recovery Plan, plan implementation, management of ARPA funds, and required compliance and reporting. Without this staffing and associated administrative costs, getting recovery-related projects launched and monitored would not be possible.
In Progress
Spent to Date: $833,930
Allocated: $1,127,982
All ARPA spending must adhere to federal and City purchasing requirements, which often requires RFPs, bids and other contracting processes. In order to effectively manage this increased volume of work, the Purchasing Department needed additional capacity to handle ARPA-funded purchases and service agreements. This position supports this the increased volume of work, allowing for more efficient processing and distribution of ARPA funds.
In Progress
Spent to Date: $100,102
Allocated: $167,811
These funds are allocated for use on transformational regional projects related to childcare and homelessness. Additional details about specific projects supported by these funds will be added as projects progress.
In Progress
Spent to Date: $0
Allocated: $2,500,000
Coming Soon
Completed Projects
ARPA funds were used to support ongoing pandemic communications in 2021, as well as public outreach and engagement for the development of the Resilient Recovery Plan.
As pandemic conditions evolved in 2021, the ability to quickly communicate with residents and businesses so they had updated information to keep themselves and their loved ones safe was critical. Additionally, public engagement efforts, including targeted engagement with groups most impacted by the pandemic, supported the creation of a community-centered recovery plan that reflects what residents want most to achieve a more resilient recovery.
Spent to Date: $50,000
Allocated: $50,000
Additional Information
Additional information about these ARPA-funded projects, along with all of the programs funded in the City’s 2023-2024 Budget can be found on the City’s Budget Website.
About Recovery Dashboard
This dashboard is a snapshot of the Fort Collins community’s progress in achieving recovery as laid out in the Resilient Recovery Plan and includes projects funded by the City’s $28.1 million of federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF).
- Status: Defines if the project is complete, in progress or no started. Please note many projects in progress may not have spent funds but are in the planning and launching phases.
- Spent to Date: Amount of funding spent on the project thus far.
- Allocated: Amount of ARPA SLFRF dollars budgeted for a particular project.
- Metric: Piece of data that demonstrates the outcome and impact of a project.
- ARPA: American Rescue Plan Act, federal act passed in March 2021, established $1.9 trillion in COVID-19 relief funding. The City received $28.1M of ARPA funds in 2021.
- ARPA Funds: ARPA Funds or American Rescue Plan Act Funds refers to the funds the City of Fort Collins has received from the federal American Rescue Plan Act. In the majority of cases, ARPA Funds is used as shorthand to refer to the $28.1 million SLFRF received by the City
- SLFRF: State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). $360B was allocated via SLFRF to state and local governments to assist with recovery. The City of Fort Collins received $28.1 million SLFRF funds for pandemic response and recovery.