Environmental Resilience

Environmental resilience is a key factor in creating a recovery that is vibrant, resilient and inclusive. In order to build back better and be better able to weather future disruptions, including impacts from climate change, our community must become more resilient.


  • Commit to environmental justice and resilience in pursuit of our climate, zero waste, energy, water and other sustainability goals
  • Resilient infrastructure is reliable and affordable
  • Open space, natural amenities and healthy ecosystems are resilient, protected and accessible

The City also conducts significant work related to each of the Environmental Resilience Outcomes annually, as outlined in the Our Climate Future (OCF) Plan, City Plan, and Housing Strategic Plan. In 2023, a 0.50-cent sales tax was passed (Parks & Recreation, Transit and Climate 2050) to support parks and recreation facilities, climate programs and the transit system.

Recovery Project


As of Mar. 31, 2024

Building HVAC Electrification & Efficiency Replacements

This program funds upgrades to HVAC systems in several City facilities that will reduce the carbon footprint of buildings and increase efficiency. Upgrading this infrastructure allows the City organization to lead by example and provide healthy, efficient and comfortable indoor spaces in facilities, many of which are accessed by vulnerable community members. 


     In Progress

     Spent to Date: $186,889

     Allocated: $2,437,653

Contractors hired, HVAC equipment is in procurement phase.


Contractual Mobile Home Park Code Compliance & Building Evaluation


This program includes enhanced engagement, support and code compliance for mobile home park communities. Residents of mobile home parks often do not qualify for utility rebates or programs to increase efficiency. This program is designed specifically to pilot efficiency upgrades to units, along with other repairs and updates needed for mobile home park units to meet code compliance standards. 

In 2023, work on this program centered on establishing and building relationships with community partners and mobile home park communities. Extensive planning was done with these groups to determine how to best support mobile home park communities and code compliance work. Work in 2024 will build on this planning and include additional park cleanup events and efficiency upgrade programs.

     In Progress

     Spent to Date: $123,768

     Allocated: $344,000


  • 30+ energy efficiency and Code mitigation home repair projects completed.
    • Projects included new roofs, windows, skirting repair, fence repair and deck/porch repair. 
  • Community clean-up events and resource fairs held at seven mobile home parks, removing more than 170,000 lbs of trash in 2023.

Completed Projects


Lincoln Center Converting Stage Lighting to LED


Upgrades to lighting on stages at the Lincoln Center. Converting to LED lights significantly reduces the carbon footprint of the events center and increases building efficiency.

Additionally, these energy-saving LEDs allow for a wider range of colors and effects, making performance lighting more dynamic.

       In Progress


     Spent to Date: $227,278

     Allocated: $227,278


Installation Complete


Our old lights were 575 watts and the new LED lights are 125 watts. Essentially, we are saving 80% in energy costs and usage!”

– Lincoln Center Theater Operations Manager Matthew Schlief

Non-ARPA Projects

There are many other projects and programs supported by the City that relate to the theme of Environmental Resilience. 

About Recovery Dashboard

This dashboard is a snapshot of the Fort Collins community’s progress in achieving recovery as laid out in the Resilient Recovery Plan and includes projects funded by the City’s $28.1 million of federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF).

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  • Status: Defines if the project is complete, in progress or no started. Please note many projects in progress may not have spent funds but are in the planning and launching phases.
  • Spent to Date: Amount of funding spent on the project thus far.
  • Allocated: Amount of ARPA SLFRF dollars budgeted for a particular project.
  • Metric: Piece of data that demonstrates the outcome and impact of a project.


  • ARPA: American Rescue Plan Act, federal act passed in March 2021, established $1.9 trillion in COVID-19 relief funding. The City received $28.1M of ARPA funds in 2021.
  • ARPA Funds: ARPA Funds or American Rescue Plan Act Funds refers to the funds the City of Fort Collins has received from the federal American Rescue Plan Act. In the majority of cases, ARPA Funds is used as shorthand to refer to the $28.1 million SLFRF received by the City
  • SLFRF: State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). $360B was allocated via SLFRF to state and local governments to assist with recovery. The City of Fort Collins received $28.1 million SLFRF funds for pandemic response and recovery.

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Do you have questions about the City’s Resilient Recovery Plan or the spending of ARPA funds? Have feedback about this dashboard or programs? Reach out to [email protected].