Electric System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) in Minutes
Analysis of Performance
Fort Collins Light & Power reliability in one sentence: On average, a customer in Fort Collins can expect an 11.09-minute outage every year.
SAIDI is how long, on average, each customer was without power in the last year.
The 24Q4 SAIDI value decreased slightly to 11.09 minutes from 11.24 minutes compared to the 12-month measurement period for 24Q32.
Taken into context SAIFI, SAIDI, and CAIDI 24Q4 reliability showed a similar frequency of outages (77 outages versus last quarter's 86), and a decrease of 768 overall customer outage hours (14,168 hours versus last quarter’s 14,936 hours) for the 12-month, measurement period for Q4. For those customers who experienced an outage, the average outage time decreased from 46.75 minutes to 46.61 minutes.
The reduction in customer hours for outages is consistent with the weather patterns we experienced into December, with 22 primary cable failures, 2 - 200-amp Multi-Position Junction, 5 - 200-amp elbow failures, 11 transformer, and 1 standoff junction, with the remaining outage hours all being associated with secondary service connections and cable.
Primary Failures are caused more by wetter seasons with moisture egress due to freeze thaw cycles. The slight decrease could be a result of a drier season.