Average Response Time of Cases Submitted to Access Fort Collins
Desired Result: Below Target
Analysis of Performance
This is a quarterly metric measuring the average response time to cases submitted into Access Fort Collins. Case totals decreased slightly to below-average seasonal levels in Q4 and the average response time decreased somewhat to approximately 1.57 business days. The average response time remains well below the three-day target.
Metric Definition
Total cases submitted online or via mobile application, including Council Member and City Manager requests (SARs). Average Response Time is the average number of business days from when a case is submitted to when a staff response is sent.
Why Is This Important?
Average response time is a customer service metric that indicates staff responsiveness to citizen and Council questions, comments and service requests. The total number of cases reflects the system use, which is important because the system was implemented to make it more convenient for citizens and Council to contact City staff and know that they will get a response.
City Organization Impact on Performance
High – Result is completely dependent on staff prioritization to respond to cases submitted.
Benchmark Information
Benchmarking in progress