Drinking Water Compliance Rate (% Days)

Desired Result:  Above Target

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Analysis of Performance

In addition to returning to our normal state of 100% compliance, we have implemented multiple corrective actions to ensure that the error in timely submission of regulatory reports which caused the violation in Q3 will not recur. These corrective actions have proven effective.

Continue implementation of corrective actions.

Metric Definition
Fort Collins Utilities compliance with the drinking water quality standards in effect for the Water Treatment Facility. The indicator is expressed as the percent of time each year that an individual water treatment facility is in full compliance with applicable drinking water quality requirements.
Why Is This Important?
Regulatory compliance is important to protect the public and environmental health of Fort Collins.
City Organization Impact on Performance
High – The City has direct operational control of the drinking water treatment facility, however the quality of the source water impacts the City's ability to meet regulatory requirements.
Benchmark Information
Benchmarking in process